We are now offering Pickup in-Store as a free service at selected Diesel stores.
Simply click on “SHIP TO A DIESEL STORE” on a product page or in the shopping cart and select which store you would like your order to be shipped to. You will receive a notification email as soon as your order is ready to be picked up.
If an item is shown as “AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP TODAY” this means that item is already available in store. If your order is completed before 4:00 PM it can be picked up on the same day, otherwise, it will be available for pickup on the following opening day.
When you go to retrieve your order, please make sure to bring the following:

- a Valid ID
- pick up ready email or your shipping confirmation email (printed copy or on a mobile device).

If you are picking up an order on behalf of someone else, you must also bring a copy of the purchaser’s ID.
If the order is not picked up within 7 days from its arrival in store, all items will be returned to our warehouse and a refund will be processed to the original form of payment.
This service is available in these stores.






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